15 Oct Why You Need To Wear Pink This October
These days and this month in particular, pink is no longer just a pretty colour. It’s an empowering one, layered with stories of support, strength, and survival. So wear this mighty colour loud and proud, lovelies – everybody needs to jump on board!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the perfect time to express our support for the many women (and men) who bravely battle this disease each day. There are various amazing campaigns worldwide promoting early detection, fighting for access to treatments, and funding for further research and hopefully, a cure.
On a much more personal scale, some campaigns focus on the overall wellbeing of a cancer warrior. And provide support for all the beautiful people taking care and giving them their unconditional support. Wear your pink ribbon in October to show support and raise awareness.
However, it is the actual healing, love and warmth that will help breast cancer patients the most. Aside from the physical effects of treatments, there’s also the stress and anxiety that comes with it. Mental wellness for the whole support group is crucial during these challenging times.
When someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, one of the most common ways of preventing this from spreading is by removing the affected breast/s. Aside from the physical surgery involved, even just the thought of losing one’s breast is daunting in itself. For many, the fear stems from one’s perception of “womanhood”. However, every pink ribbon walkathon, parade, social media post can serve as an affirmation a cancer warrior needs. A reminder that they have so much more to offer than what this disease can ever take from them.
Some cancer patients have found restorative yoga extremely helpful to try to relax and sleep better. It’s always best to consult a medical professional before choosing to embark on any physical activity during treatment. Breathing exercises and guided meditation can also help with one’s mental wellness while battling cancer. According to Cancer Council NSW, studies have shown that people undergoing treatment for cancer who practice meditation have lower levels of anxiety, stress, pain and depression.
And if you’re caring for someone with breast cancer, you need to take care of your wellbeing as well. Caring for a cancer patient requires a higher kind of empathy, patience and understanding. It will challenge you. You’ll have to face the brutal reality, that no matter how much you want to take away their pain; there will be moments that you cannot make it better for them. You have to be there for them when it counts the most, no matter how hard it is to witness. Find the support you need for your mental wellness as well. For extra challenging days, here are some inspiring insights from Modern Yoga pioneer Duncan Peak that may help you find freedom in difficult situations. Supporting you to find the balance between courage and compassion.
We here at YOGAHOLICS join millions around the world and proudly support the pink movement for love, for hope, for the fight, and a cure.
On October 18th, we will wear pink, raise money and help make life-saving research happen.
Who will join us?
Written by Yogaholics Team