08 Jul 4 Ways to Bounce Back When Anxiety Knocks you down

4 ways to bounce back when feeling low

We’ve all been there. Anxiety strikes every one of us several times and can set you back instantly. You got halfway to a goal, and then the spark that was once there faded or came crashing down in one big full mess. 

Maybe you missed an important deadline, or you aren’t where you thought you would be in life. The crushing parts about these experiences aren’t what others think about us in those moments, but that little thing called expectations — the expectation you put on yourself and how you didn’t live up to it.

And then the ugly self-judging and shaming part of ourselves rears its opinionated self, and if you are like us, oooh this isn’t a pretty picture. So, next time you find yourself not ace-ing your best life, instead, look at a few ways to process all the feels and come out the other side a new shinier you.

Hey, we even have a few easy tips for you to keep it simple.

1. Feel All The Feels

Admit you are upset and being a little judgy on yourself. Within all that, yuckiness can be some gold that with reflection has lessons that you might need to learn. Don’t wallow in it but create a nourishing self-reflecting space to find a healthy way to express it, acknowledge the triggers and give yourself time to process it. Yeah like literally time it. Ok, I’m giving myself one hour to ball my eyes out.


2. Be Open and Own It

Something is healing and cathartic about not hiding but owning the parts; you let yourself down on. Make sure you have someone to talk this through with who loves you unconditionally and will act as a sounding board. All you really need is a compassionate ear. Please don’t keep it all in your head (because that can get way too messy). It’s totally ok to mess it up.


3. Allow Space and Time

Time and space will let bygones be bygones. Set aside moments to journal about this disappointment, talk it through, or go on a long walk to mull it over. But continue to go about your life. Do your work, celebrate other things, spend time with people you love, get lost in a creative project. Don’t press pause on your life just because you’re disappointed in yourself.


4. Love Yourself Through It

You can make huge, heartbreaking mistakes and still love yourself. Separate you from this one action or moment in time. It’s ok to not be ok. It’s not the total of who you are. It’s one experience. Be gentle with yourself.


5. Magic Meditation

If there is any time in your life to amp up meditation, it’s now. No need to complicate it. Just breath, hey you can even do it lying down in bed with one of the videos from Yogaholics. Meditation will allow you to set an intention and get you out of that head and into your heart.


Did you know that Yogaholics offers not only yoga flows but also many different guided meditations and short talks to inspire and motivate you? Perfect for those days when you don’t feel perfect at all and your anxiety levels are rising. We picked you one inspiring talk by Duncan Peak about self-acceptance and self-love. Nobody is perfect, after all!

So, get comfy, plug in your headphones and tune in.


Written by Courtney Meyer